Software for freelance translators

Translate online with all the benefits of a desktop CAT tool

Be sure that you're working on the latest file version. Translate, review, and manage your work in the cloud. Invite your colleagues to help.

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Start translating right away

Free Plan – for freelance translators

Start localizing your content for free, all essential features for translators included.

  • Unlimited public projects
  • 60,000 hosted words
  • 1 private project
  • 60+ file formats
  • Fully-featured online CAT tool
  • QA checks
  • Store with 200+ apps

* Users on a free plan donate translations to Crowdin's translation memory.

$ 0 / mo
Get Started

How it works?

Website Content Translation $$$

Receive or find your next translation project on the freelance job platform you already use.

generate reports

Upload your files and resources (e.g., Glossary, TM) to Crowdin. Translate, review, and calculate costs for your work.

Website Content Translation $$$

Send downloaded translations to your customer.

Deliver translations faster and maintain quality

Customize your translation editor, preview source and translated files, ensure translation quality and consistency, track your work and generate reports.

Explore Crowdin Features
Machine Translation
Keyboard shortcuts
Supported languages
App Store*
QA checks
Translation Memory (TM)

*Power-up your Editor and file management options with free apps from Crowdin Store

Start a free trial or choose your subscription

Try all the features of Crowdin free for 14 days or subscribe right away.

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Crowdin Customers